Some People or Businesses have Mascots...
Carolyn prefers having Guardian Angels to guide her personal & business lives.
That being said she wants to introduce YOU to her Laugh YOURSELF Healthy Niagara Guardian Angel...Waylon brought to her by Gloria Messenger, one of her most frequent Laughter Class Participants
"The description of how Waylon presented to be drawn goes like this... A rainbow of colours first became apparent - floating into the center of this vision and holding that position. Then swirls of green, blue and yellow lifted behind and seemed to embrace/hold the rainbow. The horizontal rainbow shifted only slightly left to right and maintained center. The the face of the large reflective Angel lifted through to hold a transparent vision through the rainbow colours. I heard giggles and laughter expanding as the smaller faces seemed to appear and slide in on the colours with much glee and merriment. The golden aura and smaller stars also danced on the colour yellow and illuminated this visions. Mesmerizing! Beautiful! Joyful!"
As I left Gloria's home with my new good friend and turned the corner I was wowed by the beautiful rainbow forming. It became larger and brighter as I continued my drive from Virgil to Niagara Falls. It was such an AWEsome confirmation I cried. I have never been able to tell anyone what my favourite colour is because although I wear purple as my persona colour when I want to be recognized by past students, etc. I love every colour represented in the rainbow...always have.
The Business Side of
Carolyn Shannon
Author, Speaker, Blog-Talk Radio Show Guest,
Inspirational Transformation Network Guest,
People In Connection Niagara Chapter Leader & Online TV Co-Host,
Founder of Women of Worth Online Magazine
Owner of Venting Creatively
Retired High School Teacher
The "FUN" Business Side of
Carolyn Shannon
Certified Laughter Yoga Leader
Facilitator of:
About Carolyn & Laughter...
Carolyn Shannon became a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader before she even experienced a class...
that's how certain she was that this was something she needed to learn, do & share with others... facilitating the classes ensures she will always show up for class!
Intuitively she wrote this little poem when she was in her first year of high school back in 196???...well way back when
I Laughed... I had to laugh! I laughed so hard... I laughed so Far...
My laugh was heard... My laugh occurred... Many laughing times! I lost my laughing (EGO) "Mind"! Laugh!
A Laugh YOURSELF Healthy Session Takes YOU Out of Your "Thinking" Mind To Where You Can Play in the Moment!
Laugh Yourself Healthy Niagara
with one of Carolyn's Laughter Sessions!
Based on Laughter Yoga this class involves Laughing, Cheering, Improvisational Childlike Exercises that get your heart pumping and extra oxygen going to your brain.
Recapture the JOY of Spontaneous Laughter and get an Ab Workout in the process.

Laugh YOURSELF Healthy Classes for Individuals
Laugh YOURSELF Healthy Classes for Groups
Laugh YOURSELF Healthy Classes for Businesses
Laugh YOURSELF Healthy Classes for Retirement Homes

Let Laughter Help YOU & YOUR Heart Grow Stronger!
Published by True Emotions Artwork Plus © 2012