Let Laughter Help YOU & YOUR HEART Grow Stronger!

What is Laughter Yoga?
A combination of laughing, playful improvisational exercises, stretches & Yogic breathing (no need to tell jokes, no yoga poses)
Your Experience
The release of endorphins during these sessions lifts your spirits, opening you to more authentic joy & spontaneity in your life...
The extended moments of laughter combined with the conscious breathing sends more oxygen to your brain to help you think more clearly...
The intensity of the exercises gives you a cardio workout which strengthens your heart...
And all YOU Need to Bring is a WILLINGNESS to LAUGH for NO Reason & a bottle of water!
Testimonials (more on video above)
"I always sleep better after a Laughter Class." -- Wendy, St. Catharines
"I felt silly at first. Now I am amazed at how much I love it!." -- Gloria, Niagara-on-the-Lake

Laughter Yoga is different from other forms of exercise in these important ways:
Fun Exercise: Most
business people are busy and have little time to exercise. Moreover,
exercise programs are strenuous and can get boring. Laughter is fun and
easy – no postures or skills to learn, no special Yoga clothes or
equipment required. Since it is done in a group, it is easy to learn.
Anyone can do it and become an expert from the first session.
Powerful Cardio Workout:
It provides a fast and powerful no-sweat cardiovascular workout.
According to Dr. William Fry, 10 minutes of hearty laughter is equal to
30 minutes on the rowing machine. This means you can get the same
benefits of cardio workout in 10 minutes what you get by jogging for 30
Reduces Stress levels quickly: In the year 2006
the research study among IT professionals in Bangalore India showed a
decrease in stress hormones in saliva by practicing Laughter Yoga
exercises. Blood pressure and pulse rate drops and circulation improves.
Improves Oxygen supply:
Laughter Yoga Exercises flush stale air from the lungs and helps to
fill the system with oxygen which makes us healthy and energetic.
Changes Mood: Laughter Yoga can change your mood within minutes by releasing Endorphins that act as mood enhancers and natural pain killers It lifts depression – even chronic depression may cured.
Improves Efficiency and Peaks Performance: Laughter Yoga study showed that laughter significantly improves work effectiveness and functionality of the staff. Another
study conducted in the US also corroborates the efficacy of laughter.
Both studies used unconditional laughter generated by Dr. Kataria’s
techniques in Group Laughter sessions.

Spend some time in the Present being Spontaneously Silly again! All you need for this class is a Bottle of Water
AND a...

I Laughed... I had to laugh!
I laughed so hard... I laughed so far... My laugh was heard... My laugh occurred...
Many laughing times! I lost my laughing (EGO) "Mind"! Laugh! (By Written by Carolyn in 196????)
A Laugh YOURSELF Healthy Session Takes YOU Out of Your "Thinking" Mind To Where You Can Play in the Moment!
Let Laughter Help YOU & YOUR Heart Grow Stronger!
Published by True Emotions Artwork Plus © 2012